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October 24, 1947 - LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB IS READY FOR ITS HALLOWEEN PARTY: Arrangements were completed on Wednesday (10/22/47)
evening by the newly organized Lordship Fathers Club at a meeting in the local school for the Halloween party which it will
stage in the school auditorium next Tuesday (10/28/47) as its first public function. The program will include the traditional
diversions of the festival. January 16, 1948 - LORDSHIP FATHERS SPONSOR NEW TEENAGE GROUP; HALL DONATED
BY MERCHANT: Lordship will soon have its own teen age club for social and recreational activities for children of this age
group under the sponsorship of the Lordship Fathers Club it was made known this week. Al Tiburzi, Lordship merchant, has donated
space over his store in Jefferson Street for the use of both groups for meetings and activities and is donating material to
renovate and decorate the hall. Members of the fathers group are providing the man power and technical knowledge for the project
which will include heating, sanitary facilities, partitions and painting of the new quarters. All teenagers of the community
are eligible for membership, Martin Tristine, president announced this week. The written approval of parents is required.
Charter members of the new group are formulating plans for election of officers and future activities to take place as soon
as the new quarters are ready for use. All meetings of the club will be under adult supervision Mr. Tristine said.
January 23, 1948 - LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB BUYS MOVIE PROJECTOR: Lordship School was assured regularly scheduled programs
of motion pictures this week with the announcement of the Lordship Fathers Club that a movie projector had been purchased
by the group with the proceeds from its various activities and that feature motion pictures will be shown on dates which will
be announced by the school. Funds for the projector were raised by the club by several recent activities, including a Halloween
Dance, a Pancake and Sausage Supper and the showing of movies in the school every other Friday night in recent months with
a borrowed projector. May 7, 1948 - LORDSHIP FATHERS INSTALL HENRY LYONS AS PRESIDENT: Henry Lyons
was installed as president of the Lordship Fathers Club Wednesday night at a meeting in their new club rooms over Tiburzi's
store. Other officers installed were: Raymond Palmer, vice- president; Irvin Saar, treasurer and D. James Morey, secretary.
(Note: A week later Henry Lyons was elected president of the Lordship Improvement Association succeeding Cliff Hutchison.
Bill Rabineau became the second president of the Lordship Fathers Club. Henry Lyons would become the 3rd president
in 1949-1950). November 11, 1949 - The Lordship Fathers Club in collaboration with the Lordship PTA
will present an all male minstrel show next Friday and Saturday in Lordship School at 8 pm. The following committees have
been announced by Mrs. Martin Tristine, president of the PTA Costumes, Mrs. James Morey, Mrs. Stanley Farnsworth, Mrs. Frank
Weller; kitchen, Mrs. Harold Connelly, Mrs. James McMellon; tickets, Mrs. Irwin Botsford and Mrs. Martin Tristine. The show
is under the direction of Irvine Schofield. June 24, 1949 - LORDSHIP FATHERS TRY TO SNEAK UP ON MOSQUITOES:
Any citizens found walking around in a fog in Lordship Wednesday night will please not be referred to the nearest psychiatrist
for examination. At about 7:30 that night the Todd Fogging Machine Company in cahoots with the Lordship Fathers Club, "snuck"
up on the unsuspecting population and draped a small area with a heavy mist designed to eliminate mosquitoes and other pests
during the summer. Tonight at 8 o'clock now that the air has cleared and good friends recognize each other once more, the
Fathers Club, the Lordship Improvement Association, the Jetty Club and other organizations responsible for the trial run of
the "fabulous fog" are meeting in the Fathers Club hall to confer with the operators of the fogging machines, hear
the results of the tests and determine the costs of a project to eliminate all pests from the Lordship area. William Rabineau,
president of the Fathers Club has appointed Thomas Coughlin, chairman of the committee to carry on the mosquito control work
for the season. "It appears at this point that the residents so far contacted are determined that something definite
be done about the matter," Mr. Coughlin said. All persons representing any club, organizations, etc., desiring any information
regarding this matter are welcome to attend the meeting tonight, Mr. Coughlin announced. Tim Janosko, Stratford's tree warden
was present (as far as anyone could see) at the Wednesday night demonstrations. January 21, 1949 -
YOUTH CENTER TO OPEN: The new Lordship Youth Center will open its doors with an official unveiling ceremony tomorrow night.
More than 40 dads are responsible for this much wanted center to keep the children off the streets and provide recreational
facilities in their own neighborhood. The Lordship Fathers Club has purchased a 16mm camera and screen so that movies may
be shown every Friday night. In less than a year the club has set up a 60 x 40 hall complete with heating, kitchen, stage
and recreation tables for about $3,000. All of this work has been done by and equipment procured from men in town interested
in the project at a savings of over $5,000. The Pauline Street room will be called the Lordship Community Hall with the hope
that an old fashioned friendly neighborhood spirit may be rekindled among the residents. As a result of the Fathers Club's
work, boys and girls have formed an organization comprised of 50 youngsters known as the Lordship Youth Organization headed
by Eugene Ferrio. The open house program will include a band for dancing and refreshments. The Lordship Fathers Club wants
all Lordshippers to attend the opening tomorrow night even if only for a few minutes. May 15, 1950
- LORDSHIP VS. BIRDSEYE: The Lordship Fathers Club softball team will match its athletic ability against the Birdseye School
Fathers Club team on Sunday, May 21 at Diamond 1 Longbrook Park beginning at 10:30 am. The LFC team practiced at Staples Field
at the corner of York Street and Park Blvd. November 3, 1950 - Plans are being formulated for the
annual all-male minstrel to be presented by the Fathers Club, December 1st and 2nd, Director Irv Schofield
has announced. The Fathers Club was host to the children of Lordship with a block party Halloween night at the Fathers Club
hall. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were present to distribute candy and gifts to all the children. Prizes were awarded
for outstanding costumes. Winners included: Bruce Hutchison dressed as a witch; Jill Johnson as Raggedy Ann; Bobby Coughlin
as a red devil; Judy Hessels as a clown; Bobby Brelsford dressed as a little girl; Chickie Barry, Sandy Sargeant, Ruthie Zar
and Joan Ottaway as two-headed monsters; Pat Perrelli as a nun; Patty Olsen dressed in a costume of newspaper. Irv Schofield,
chairman was assisted by Marty Tristine, Jim Ketcham, Ed Finnegan and Walt Bulmer. Judges of costumes were Ted Yale, William
Robinson and Albert Osman. A wonderful time was had by each and every child who attended the block party.
November 10, 1950 - LITTLE LEAGUE BANQUET: The Lordship Fathers Club will sponsor a banquet in honor of the Lordship Little
League baseball team at the Fathers Club hall on Pauline Street Saturday at 7 pm. The Lordship team finished in a tie for
first place and lost in a playoff. Coach of the team is Gene Ferrio. Members of the team to be honored are: Captain Ed Brighindi,
Bill Robinson, John Straton, Malcolm Ottaway, Tony Defeo, Jim Klosek, Harry Wilcoxson, Bob Holmgren, Ed Finnegan, Sean Gorman,
Ray Johnson, Art Ricketts, Gaylord Brown and bat boy Richard Robinson. Trophies will be awarded to all players on the team.
Guest speakers will be Vincent Devitt, head of the Stratford Little League and coach of the New England champion Raybestos
softball team and John Antoniak, head of the Bridgeport Little League. John Gorman will be master of ceremonies. The Reverend
John Walsh, pastor of Our Lady of Peace Church will give the invocation. Reverend Bruckner Coe, pastor of the Lordship Communtiy
Church will give the benediction. The committee in charge of the banquet are Eric Ambler, chairman; assisted by Ray Troy,
Walt Bulmer, Ed Finnegan and Al Cockfield. All residents of Lordship are invited to see the presentation of awards.
February 16, 1951 - LFC MINSTREL SHOW TONIGHT: Don't forget the Lordship Fathers Club minstrel to be held
tonight (Friday) and tomorrow night (Saturday) in the Lordship School auditorium. It will be an old-fashioned minstrel show
with an all-male cast under the direction of Irv Schofield. Dr. Harold Connelly and his Lordship Orchestra will furnish the
music for the show and dancing will follow. Accompanist will be Mary Malone. Those in the cast include; Henry Lyons interlocutor;
Bill Rabineau, Marty Tristine, Charles Craig and Irv Schofield, endmen; Gene Ferrio, Stan Farnsworth, Ernie Gendall, Bill
Robinson, John Gorman, Bob Holmgren and Tom Evans, soloists; and the popular quartet, Three Whiffs and a Poof from Bullard
Haven Tech will also entertain. October 19, 1951 - LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS: Tuesday
evening, October 11, the Lordship Fathers Club met in their hall on Pauline Street and elected the following officers: Martin
Tristine, president; William Rabineau, vice-president; Irving Zar, treasurer and Albert Lapke, secretary. The year's business
was discussed and it was announced that on October 31, they would put on a mammoth Halloween party of the children at the
Fathers Club hall. Irv Schofield, as the chairman of the Ways and Means committee will be in charge. Prizes will be awarded
and refreshments will be served at the Halloween party. April 10, 1952 - FATHERS CLUB SMOKER: The
Lordship Fathers Club will hold its first annual "Smoker" Wednesday, April 16 at 8:00 pm at the Fathers Club hall,
Pauline Street. Principal speaker will be George "Kiddo" Davis, former New York Giant and Philadelphia baseball
player. Other entertainment will include five exhibition boxing bouts by members of the Stratford P.A.L. and moving pictures
of the Globetrotters pro ball team. Refreshments will be served. Invited guests will be the Rev. Buckner Coe, Rev. John Walsh,
Mr. Fred Cowles, Mr. Ted Jorkenson and Porky Viera, Central High school basketball are. Marty Tristine will serve as toastmaster.
Members of the committee in charge of the affair include: Ed Finnegan, chairman; Ray Lynch, Don Young, Vic Perna and Irv Schofield.
October 2, 1952 - The Lordship Fathers Club held its first formal meeting of the season Wednesday
at the Fathers Club hall. Carl Valentine, president presided at the meeting. The club will be led by the following officers:
Carl Valentine, president; Henry Kell, vice-president; Albert Lapke, secretary; Raymond Lynch, Treasurer. The following were
named as committee chairmen for the coming year: Henry Kell and Bill Robinson, membership; Ed Finnegan, program; Jim Ketcham,
public relations; Ray Lynch, finance; Marty Tristine, school committee, Gene Ferrio and Art Pivirotto, athletic committee,
Irv Schofield, entertainment. The club plans to hold its regular monthly meetings the first Wednesday of every month with
the third Thursday of each month set aside for executive board meetings. Anyone is welcome to attend either of these meetings.
Circulars were distributed throughout Lordship last week inviting residents to the first monthly meeting and also outlining
the objectives of the Fathers Club in general. The Fathers Club was organized for the purpose of promoting the welfare of
the children in the home, school, church and community, to assist the PTA towards the fulfillment of its objectives and to
provide a means for Lordship families to meet socially. The club members have proved in the past to be a very progressive
group. They have purchased a sound projector, screen and record player for the Lordship School, they sponsor various benefit
movies for Lordship Organizations, they conduct an annual Halloween party for the children of Lordship, and they maintain
a community center for the use of Lordship residents and are active in many other projects. Carl Valentine, president is urging
all Lordship residents to join the Fathers Club as their interest and active participation are greatly needed.
January 15, 1953 - An enthusiastic gathering of dads and lads welcomed three of Yale's stalwart gridiron heroes at the
Lordship Fathers Club Sports night yesterday in the Lordship clubrooms. Captain-elect Joe Fortunato of Yale's 1953 football
team and stellar varsity offensive back Bob Poole accompanied the Blue's scoring-against-Harvard manager Charlie Yeager to
Stratford to make the evening an unqualified success. After a preliminary sports film, President Carl Valentine of the Fathers
Club introduced Messrs. Fortunato, Poole and Yeager individually to the audience. Mr. Yeager explained the evolution and careful
preparation for the climax in any Yale football manager's career, that of scoring against Harvard. He related several anecdotes
and explained the impact of his feat. He assured the assemblage that Harvard grads accepted the incident with the grace and
true sportsmanship of a rivalry of long and honored standing. In fact, during his Christmas vacation, the Syracuse Harvard
Club had his as a speaker and presented him with a Harvard chair in recognition of his unusual accomplishment. When he was
through, the trio was bombarded with questions from the floor by the enthusiastic small fry and their equally interested dads.
This period was followed by a showing of the scoring highlights of the Yale and Columbia-Cornell-Dartmouth-Princeton and Harvard
games. The Yale heroes present were cheered throughout the film by the irrepressible youngsters. Mr. Valentine thanked the
committee headed by Stan Heiden for their efficient arrangements and Bill Robinson for the film program and presentation.
Refreshments for the lads brought the evening to a fitting close. April 9, 1953 - The Lordship Fathers
Club relinquished using Tiburzi's Hall on Pauline Street for monthly meetings and will hold future meetings at various members
homes. Meetings are the first Wednesday of every month between September and June. The LFC will continue to use the Hall for
other activities. June 11, 1953 - The Lordship Fathers Club recently elected the following slate of
officers for the coming year: Stan Heiden, president; Ray Lynch, treasurer; Albert Lapke, vice-president and Gene Walsh, secretary.
The Fathers Club has a softball game on the agenda for Sunday morning at 10:30 at Lordship Field against Moran and Mack's
Grill. July 15, 1954 - LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB ANNUAL OUTING: The annual outing held on July 4th
by the Lordship Fathers Club at Coulter's Grove in Putney was heartily enjoyed by the more than 150 who attended and hopes
are high that next year will favor them with better weather than they enjoyed that day. Next on the agenda for the Fathers
Club will be their annual Labor Day softball game between the Lordship Firemen and the Lordship Fathers Club. Practice sessions
are now under way on Sunday mornings but a few good former ball players are assured of a hearty welcome so if it is exercise
you want, get out there and join it! The following officers were elected at a recent meeting to head the Fathers Club for
the coming year: Stan Heiden, re-elected president; Al Markis, vice-president; Gene Walsh, treasurer; Jack Jarvis, secretary.
September 9, 1954 - Lordship was on hand en masse to witness the annual softball game between the
Lordship Fathers Club and the Lordship Firemen held on the school field Labor Day. The players displayed much ingenuity in
their choice of the proper uniforms ranging from long drawers to a hula dancer. The Fathers Club was the victor 5-4. Umpires
were Jim Morley, very chi-chi in his Bermuda shorts; Chris Meehan and Pandy Sota. Playing for the Fathers Club were: Jim Canelli,
Al Markis, Gene Walsh, Vic Swaller, Bob Stone, Bill Robinson, Harry Eales, Jim McMellon, Bob Thompson, Marty Tristine, Harry
Lyons, Jack Jarvis, Stan Heiden, Al Johnson, Ed Finnegan, Ralph Carrano, Don Young and Walt Bulmer. October
30, 1954 - In the Lordship area, the Lordship Fathers Club will have its annual Halloween costume parade and party for the
youngsters of the district tonight at 7 o'clock in Our Lady of Peace Hall, with prizes and refreshments for all children of
the district. December 2, 1954 - If you enjoy a real old fashioned minstrel show the Lordship Fathers
Club has tickets available for its show scheduled for Friday and Saturday nights at 8 p.m. in Our Lady of Peace auditorium.
In the past, the show has always played to packed houses and then had to go "on the road" for a performance or two.
December 2, 1954 - LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB ANNUAL SHOW: The Lordship Fathers Club will present its annual
Minstrel Show on Friday and Saturday evening at 8:30 at Our Lady of Peace Church Hall. General chairmen of the affair are
Stan Heiden, program; Irv Schofield, end men; Jack Jarvis, music and chorus; Myles Gerrity, tickets. Cast included interlocutor,
Bill Rabineau; end men, Irv Schofield, Warren Ernst, Les Hoffman and Harry Eales; pianist, Bill Harms; chorus, Myles Gerrity,
Bob Stone, Thomas Bunting, Pandely Sota, Steve Lewis, Marty Tristine, Jerry Carlin, Carl DeLorenzo, Tom Keating, Larry Ackley,
Al Markis, Al Cockfield, Gene Walsh, Don Young, Paul Pjura, Vic Swaller, Ort Pengue, Frank Battisa, Stan Heiden, Vin Rackiewicz,
Jack Jarvis, Bob Young, Jim Klosek, Art Weinstein, Bill Robinson, Don Elmendorf, Chris Meehan and Bob Underhill. The orchestra
will be the Lordship Beachcombers. Tickets can be obtained from members of the cast. Plans are now being made for the New
Year's Eve Dance to be given in the Fathers Club Hall. Carl DeLorenzo is chairman assisted by Vic Swaller, Myles Gerrity,
Bob Stone and Steve Lewis. Music will be by the Lordship Beachcombers. The committee requests that those interested in attending
make their reservations early as the number of persons to be accommodated in the hall is limited. March
3, 1955 - LORDSHIP SCHOOL RECEIVES GIFT FOR FATHERS CLUB: The Lordship School was recently the recipient of a gift of three
record players given by the Lordship Fathers Club. They have also arranged to have teachers in the school choose two film
strips, the selection of which was left to the teacher to cover her specific needs. Since it is not generally known just what
the Fathers Club accomplishes, I think this is a good time to point out that all funds raised in their social projects are
used either directly toward the school or to provide many entertainments that are open to the children of Lordship, such as
their annual Easter Egg Hunt, which will be the next event and will be held at Lordship Road on the Bluffs, April 9. The Club
also sponsors the Halloween party and the Family Picnic which takes place annually during the summer. They donated a gift
of a special typewriter to the Sedgewick School also this year since there are Lordship children attending classes there.
Therefore, we should keep these gestures in mind when the Fathers Club holds dances and minstrels. April
7, 1955 - LFC ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT: The Lordship Fathers club will have motion pictures in the Lordship School at 10 am
for children of Lordship and the egg hunt on Park Boulevard at 11:15 am. Thomas Bunting has charge of the Lordship egg
hunt. April 14, 1955 - LFC NAMES OFFICERS: The results of the recent election of officers for the
Lordship Fathers Club have been announced as follows: Jack Jarvis, president; Al Markis, vice-president; Larry Ackley, treasurer
and Myles Gerrity, recording secretary. Mr. Jarvis will succeed Stan Heiden, leader of this organization for the past two
years. Paul Pjura has been named chairman for a dance to be held in May and it was announced that the annual outing to take
place in Coulter's Grove on July 3 is open to all Lordship residents. The members also voted to rent the hall on Pauline Street
for weddings, banquets and other social events with Larry Ackley in charge of bookings. February 9,
1956 - The Lordship Fathers Club will present its annual minstrel show on Friday and Saturday evenings, February 10 and 11
at 8:15 pm in the Lordship School auditorium. Once again Irv Schofield will be directing a cast which includes: interlocutor,
Charles Craig; end men, Warren Ernst, Stan Heiden, Myles Gerrity, Tom Keating, Les Hoffman; specialties, Vin Rackiewicz, Bob
McCorkle, Bob Franz, Carl Valentine, Bill Adams, Jim Bosward and a dance routine by Paul Pjura, Larry Ackley, Bill Stott and
Dick Gleason. Jean Terrell will introduce a new innovation in minstrel shows with a rock n roll number. Chorus will include
Dick Finn, Tom Bunting, Burt St. Clair, Bill Robinson, Bill Pancak, Al Markis, Harry Hammer, Jim Tyrell, Bob Stone, Ort Pengue,
Vic Swaller, Carl DeLorenzo, Marty Tristine and Al Osman. Accompanist will be Eunice Terrell with additional music by the
Norland Trio. Tickets may be obtained from members of the club and are good for either Friday or Saturday. Carl DeLorenzo
and Larry Ackley are in charge of program and Bob Stone in charge of tickets. April 19, 1956 - The
first executive board meeting of the newly elected officers of the Lordship Fathers Club was held Wednesday evening to discuss
plans for the summer season and appoint committees. Serving on the Board are Warren Ernst, president; Bob Stone, vice-president,
Paul Pjura, treasurer; Vic Swaller, secretary; Myles Gerrity, business manager and Stan Heiden, past president. First affair
on the Club's agenda will be the dinner on Saturday, May 19 that they are sponsoring for all 1956 high school graduates from
the Lordship area. Richard Finn is chairman assisted by the new officers of the club. May 24, 1956
- The Lordship Fathers Club provided a most enjoyable evening for high school graduates from this area last Saturday night.
Irving Schofield acted as Master of Ceremonies. Following an excellent supper tributes were paid the graduates by the following
guests: Thomas Coughlin, guest speaker; Paul Pjura, president of the Lordship Improvement Association; Bob Stone, vice-president
of both the Fathers Club and the Holy Name Society who represented Reverend John Cavanaugh; Harry Flood, Town Manager; Charles
Craig, Councilman 10th District; Mrs. Harry Lyons, Board of Education; Edwin Cox, Superintendent of Schools; Ed
Dorne, chairman of Town Council; Al Torgen, chairman of the Board of Education; Milt Holcomb, Board of Education; Mrs. Emma
Cowles, Principal of Lordship School; Reverend Robert Meier, Pastor Lordship Community Church; Mrs. Jack Bixby, President
Lordship PTA; Robert Weidman, President Lordship Fire Department; Richard Finn, chairman of the dinner. Mr. Finn was assistd
by Warren Ernst, president of the Fathers Club; Stan Heiden, Carl DeLorenzo, Richard Gleason and Vic Swaller. Among the graduates
feted were: Mary Ann Tristine, Mary Schofield, Judy Engelhard, Georgette LaCroix, Dorothea Squibb, Gail Williams, Marjie Willis,
Sandy Goddu, Elaine Thibault, Carl Zelich, George Gray, Eddie Brighindi, Marsha Wiebe, Bob Young, Art Weinstein, Eddie Soldi,
Don Elemendorf and Rose Lisi. June 14, 1956 - Warren Ernst, president of the Lordship Fathers Club
reports that the club has a busy summer season lined up beginning on July 1, when the Annual Family Picnic will be held at
Coutler's Grove in Putney. The hours will be from 10 am until dark. Paul Pjura and Vic Swaller are co-chairmen of the affair.
Committee chairman are: Bob Stone, bar; Warren Ernst, food, Stan Heiden, games and recreation; Myles Gerrity, tickets; Burt
St. Clair, cleanup. Serving on the various committees are: Tom Bunting, Tom Keating, Al Baroni, Tony Salerno, Frank Sorrentino,
Al Markis, Bill Pancak, John Martino, Dick Finn, Dick Gleason, Vin Rackiewicz, John Gill and Carl DeLorenzo. Tickets should
be purchased in advance if possible so the committee can plan for refreshments. The Lordship Fathers Club has accepted the
challenge of the Lordship Athletic Association for a softball game to be held July 4 at 10:30 am. All members are requested
to get in shape. One or more local medicos may be asked to donate their professional services for the affair. On Sunday August
5 at 2 pm the Fathers Club will sponsor the Lordship Olympics. Co-chairmen selected at the last meeting will be Tom Bunting
and Burt St. Clair. Events are being broken down by school grades as follows: Kindergarten; 1st and 2nd;
3rd and 4th; 5th and 6th. Events will feature running races, peanut relays,
spoon and egg races, potato races, jumping, standing broad jump, ball throwing for distance and accuracy and a watermelon
eating contest. Tickets for free refreshments will be given to participating children. Registration blanks were handed out
in the Lordship School this past week. Lordship children from other schools can also register as blanks are available at the
Community Pharmacy and at Marino's Lordship Center store or by contacting either of the general chairmen.
July 12, 1956 - The surprise of the season with the Lordship Fathers Club beating the Lordship Athletic Association in
the annual softball game on the Fourth by a score of 9 to 5. Perhaps the fact that the Fathers had a pro in pitcher Ed Finnegan
helped a lot. Home runs by Mike Plantamura and Warren Ernst also helped build up the score. A hot dog roast was enjoyed on
the beach later by the following members and families: Bob Stone, Vic Swaller, Norm Hessels, Clarence Diedrickson, Burt St.
Clair, Warren Ernst, Carl DeLorenzo, Stan Heiden, Bob McCorkle and Tom Bunting. August 30, 1956 -
THE ANNUAL SOFTBALL GAME THIS LABOR DAY: The Lordship Fathers Club and the Lordship Volunteer Fire Department will hold their
annual softball game on Labor Day at 2:30 pm at the Lordship School playground. As is usual in this most unusual contest there
will be many and varied costumes to delight the audience. Since strict observation to the rules and ability to handle a ball
are the last of the worries of either club, we can expect some hilarious antics from the boys. George French and Warren Ernst
are co-chairmen and assure us that refreshments to please every palate, both young and old will be available at the game.
Stan Heiden, Coach Emeritus, promises nothing. Take the whole family and depending on where your loyalties lie let's help
them along with a good cheering section. Note: The Lordship Fathers Club won the game 9 to 3. April
11, 1957 - The Lordship Fathers Club had its election of officers this week. Warren Ernst of Margherita Lawn was reelected
president for the second year. Others named were Burt St. Clair of Curtis Avenue, vice-president; Thomas Bunting of Spruce
Street, treasurer and Robert McCorkle of Hemlock Street, secretary. August 29, 1957 - There'll be
laughs every minute Monday afternoon as Lordship Fathers Club members stage their annual comic Labor Day softball game. Fun
starts at 2:30 pm on the Lordship School baseball grounds. Refreshments will be served after the game. Tickets may be purchased
from any member of both teams. The committee in charge is headed by Burt St. Clair and includes Warren Ernst, Stan Heiden,
Victor Swaller, Tom Keating, Myles Gerrity, Al Markis, William Pancak, Hugo Lisco, Jerome Carlin and Ed Kiely.
September 5, 1957 - LORDSHIP ANNUAL SOFTBALL GAME: The annual comic softball game was played between the Lordship Fathers
Club and the Lordship Athletic Association on Labor Day. Either the Dads are improving or their opposition is aging since
the score this year was only 8 to 6 in favor of the AA. Playing for the fathers were Al Markis, Ed Finnegan, Vic Swaller,
Jim Canelli, Ed Kiely, Mike Plantamura, Marty Tristine, Irv Schofield, Walt Bulmer, Stan Heiden, Tony Caseria, Gene Walsh,
John Gill, Bob Stone, Bill Jacobs and Jerry Carlin. For the Lordship AA: Pete Fagan, John Stratton, Jim McMellon, Pete Becker,
Connie Orloff, Woody Anderson, Don Sebas, George Gray, Bill Robinson, Sean Gorman, Art Weinstein, Wes Shaffner and Gene Ferrio.
November 14, 1957 - Women members of the Lordship-Great Neck PTA are currently canvassing the town for Boosters whose
names will appear in the program for the Lordship Fathers Club annual minstrel show. It will be presented Friday, November
29 at Lordship School and Saturday November 30 at Johnson Junior High School. December 19, 1957 -
LORDSHIP DADS HIT RECORD IN TICKET HOLDER ATTENDANCE: The Lordship Fathers Club celebrated its 11th year by breaking
all attendance records during its two Minstrels the last of November and announced through its President Warren Ernst this
week a total of $1,200 realized from ticket sales. The record income for the Lordship Fathers Club promises President Ernst
said, the biggest in year in 1958 yet offered to the children of Lordship. In 1958 a new and brighter lineup of recreational
activities is being planned for Lordship youth Ernst said. "Everyone in Lordship aside from the members of the Club know
what our programs for the coming year are and will be, but we want to thank those who helped make our show this past month
such a huge success" he said. The Lordship Fathers Club will hold a New Years Eve Dance and will be followed in the coming
year with a Valentines Day Dance, Easter Egg Hunt, Spring Dance and a Father and Son Sports night among others. Another project
realized by the Club this past year was the purchase of an Opague Projector for the Lordship School in addition to other donations
made to the school. Next year the Stratford News will publish a series of articles on the 11 year history of the Lordship
Fathers Club (Note: never happened). August 15, 1957 - 400 LORDSHIP CHILDREN VIE IN SECOND ANNUAL
OLYMPICS: About 400 children participated this week in the second annual Lordship Olympics. Trophies were awarded to King
Tom Penders and Queen Julie Withington. Refreshments were served to all children and parents. Winners of the events were as
follows: Grades 5-6 75 yard dash boys: Bill Cook, Eddie Hovan.
75 yard dash girls: Valerie Steele, Loretta May. Three legged race mixed: Valerie Steele
and John Gill, Maureen Cooney and Tom Penders,
Bob Baroni and Donna Faulkner. Broad jump girls: Jean Antalik, Valerie Steele, Maureen Cooney
Broad jump boys: Eddie Hovan, Tom Penders, David Leahy Ball throwing girls:
Mary Troy, Donna Faulkner, Maureen Cooney Ball throwing boys: Tom Penders, David Leahy, Greg Lynch
Relay race mixed: Loretta May and Paul Olexovitch
Grades 3-4 50 yard dash boys: Bob Ernst, Jim St. Clair, Bill Plantamura
50 yard dash girls: Noreen Swaller, Priscilla Kahn, Andrea Ludwig 75 yard dash boys: Tom Keenan,
Jeff Reaney, Mark Valentine 75 yard dash girls: Sandra Bender, Priscilla Kahn, Joanne Leahy
Broad jump boys: Tom O'Brien, Jeff Reaney, Mike Troy Broad jump girls: Ruth
May, Noreen Swaller, Peggy Kellers Three legged race mixed: Bob Ernst and Jocelyn Janson, John
Swaller and Marlene Corbett,
Bob Baird and Joanne Freitas. Ball throwing boys: Mike Troy, Mark Kutnick, Bob Ernst
Ball throwing girls: Peggy Kellers, Antoinette Sannino, Monica Lizotte Grades
1-2 50 yard dash mixed: Dave McCoart, Tom Cooney, Dave Wood Spoon and egg race
mixed: Myles Gerrity, Peggy May, Mark Olexovitch Skipping race mixed: Tom Cooney, Dave McCoart, Peggy
May One legged race mixed: Tom Cooney, Peggy May, Jean Zocco Kindergarten
25 yard dash mixed: Craig Bunting, Sheila Kelleher, Carol Garthwaite Hand holding race
mixed: Carol Beeman and Wilbert Jacob, Eileen Rooney and Dan Troy, Debby
Zocco and John Bender Skipping race mixed: Craig Bunting, Dennis McCoart, Carol Garthwaite
Spoon and egg race mixed: Dan Troy, Joan Diedrickson, Neal Diedrickson April 3, 1958 - LORDSHIP FATHERS
TO HOLD EASTER EGG HUNT SATURDAY: Warren Ernst, president of the Lordship Fathers Club has announced that the annual Easter
Egg Hunt will be held this Saturday, April 5. School children from the Lordship area up to the sixth grade are invited to
participate. The program will start at 10:00 am with a cartoon show in the Lordship School auditorium and the Easter Egg Hunt
will follow at 10:30 am along the beach front from Margherita Lawn to Lordship Road. Al Markis and Bill Pancak are co-chairmen
and their committee includes: Carl DeLorenzo, Wilbert Jacob, Stan Heiden, Larry Ackley, Tom Bunting, Jerry Carlin, Warren
Ernst, John Gill, Nick Giarniero, Bob Goral, Hugo Liscio, Les Hoffman, Frank Pepe, Henry Komski, Burt St. Clair, Bob McCorkle,
Ort Pengue, Bob Stone, John Ripley, Irv Schofield, Bill Stott, Fred Shanahan, Vic Swaller and Vince Massey. Over six hundred
children are expected to participate. June 27, 1958 - LORDSHIP JUNIOR OLYMPICS: The Lordship Fathers
Club held its annual Junior Olympics Day Sunday, June 22nd on the Lordship School field. Each year this event attracts
a large turnout of competitive youngsters performing before wildly cheering parents and friends. Refreshments are served during
the competition and the whole show supervised and scored by members of the Lordship Fathers Club. Mark Olexovitch was a two
time winner during the afternoon capturing the 25 yard and 50 yard dashes in the first and second grade classes. Kevin Rooney
won 25 yard dash in the kindergarten group and also teamed up with Joyce Olexovitch to take the 25 yard hand holding event.
Eddie Genga and Mike Troy were also outstanding, winning two events each in their classes while Kathy Logan won 3 firsts and
Ruth May took two for outstanding honors among the girls. Other first place winners were; Steve Cibulsky, Ruth May, Bettyann
Taylor, Nick Milin, John Rooney, Joseph DeMartino and Kathy Logan. November 26, 1958 - The Lordship
Follies of 1958 presented by the Lordship Fathers Club will be held Friday, November 28 at the Lordship School and Saturday
November 29 at the Johnson Junior High School. Both performances will start at 8:30 pm. The show has been written and directed
by Les Hoffman. Miss Barbara Holt will be the accompanist and the orchestra will be led by Art Mitchell. When the curtain
is rung up for the opening act of this annual show the cast will include: Joe Kiely, Ed Kiely, Marty Tristine, Charles Hebert,
Irv Schofield, Bob McCorkle, Warren Ernst, Frank Fassanella, Tom Bunting, Stan Heiden, Burt St. Clair, Hugo Liscio, Al Wheeler,
Myron Gould, Larry Ackley, Myles Gerrity, Ralph Hardy, Vin Rackiewicz, Jim Tyrell, Jack Jarvis, Al Markis, Gene Walsh, Vin
Massey, Fred Shanahan, Ort Pengue, Vic Swaller, Tom Keating, Bob Chamberlain, Bob Undershill and Al Paradis. The proceeds
from this show enable the club to sponsor their many annual events such as Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Party, Lordship High
School graduates dinner, Lordship Olympics and donations to the schools. If several members of the Lordship Fathers
Club look rather battered and stiff, blame it on the fact that they still think they are in their prime. The young at heart
indulged in a little football game over the weekend that resulted in most of the wives applying liniment rubs....is it true
boys, that Jack Jarvis can use a new watch for Christmas? March 26, 1959 - LORDSHIP CLUB LISTS EGG
HUNT SATURDAY MORN: Close to 600 youngsters will beat the bushes Saturday morning in the Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the
Lordship Fathers Club. The scene will be the field at the foot of Lordship Road. The egg hunters will gather at 10:30 am in
Lordship School to watch a free movie. From there the safari will march to the hunt grounds. The hunt is open to all grammar
school pupils and preschool youngsters living in Lordship. There will be prizes for every egg finder and a favor for
every hunter. Orton Pengue is chairman of the egg committee. Assisting him are Joseph Kiely, Henry Halverson, Jack Jarvis,
Edward Kiely and Carl Delorenzo. September 24, 1959 - LFC BLOOD BANK: Make an appointment to give a pint of blood
October 1 during the Lordship Fathers Club blood bank at Our Lady of Peace Hall. All collections go to the Hemophilia Foundation,
a truly worthwhile cause. Hats off to the Lordship dads for the effort, first time a bank has been sponsored by such an organization.
July 2, 1959 - LORDSHIP CONTESTS BRING COMPETITION: The 1959 Lordship Olympics are history now and
the names of Eddie Genga and Kathy Logan are recorded as trophy winners. Their performances in multiple events in the games
earned them awards as the outstanding athletes of grades five and six. Kathy won the 50 yard dash and the 100 yard dash and
finished first with Peggy Kellers in the two girl relay. She also finished second behind Ruth May in the 25 yard dash. Eddie
captured his laurels by winning the 50 yard dash, the 100 yard dash and teaming with Mark Valentine to win the two boy relay.
He failed to place in the contest for accurate ball throwing, which was won by Garry Spear. A special feature of the day was
the women's relay race which was won by the team of Mrs. Fred Shanahan and Mrs. Charles Weidman. The competition was keen
in the Kindergarten events. Lucy Ackley and Bruce Slaff won the 30 yard dashes. Lucy combined with Kathy Collier to win the
30 yard dash for girls holding hands. The similar event for boys was captured by Tom Heiden and Bill Weidman. Ann Swaller
triumphed in the open 20 yard hopping race. First and second grade events were just as hard fought with Sheila Kelleher and
Richard Ayles capturing the 50 yard dashes. In the two boy race, Dennis McCoart and Neil Deidrickson teamed up to take first
place. Sheila Kelleher and Margaret DiMartino combined to win the two girl relay. Deborah Smith and Steve Kirby won the relay
race for boy and girl teams. Tom Cooney was the only double winner among the boys in the third and fourth grade events. Tom
won both the 25 yard dash and the 50 yard dash. The 100 yard dash was captured by Bill Rooney and the 25 yard dash-up-and-back
went to Joe Brighindi. Among the girls in the third and fourth grades, Peggy May was outstanding winning three events. Peggy
placed first in the 25 yard dash, the 50 yard dash and the 25 yard dash-up-and-back. In the relay race for boy-and-girl teams,
Susanne Hebert and Harry Clark combined to win the event. November 12, 1959 - THE LORDSHIP FATHERS
CLUB SHOW: The Lordship Fathers Club will present its annual Minstrel Show on Friday, November 13 at 7:30 pm in Our Lady of
Peace Church Hall and on Saturday November 14 at 8:30 pm in the Johnson Junior High School auditorium. Stan Heiden is general
chairman of the affair. Les Hoffman is director and Barbara Holt is musical director. Other committeemen include Burt St.
Clair, program; Henry Halverson, publicity; Tom Bunting, tickets; Jack Bixby and Bob McCorkle, staging; Nick Giarniero and
Joe Janson, door; Lordship-Great Neck PTA, boosters. The cast includes Warren Ernst, interlocutor; Irv Schofield, Les Hoffman,
Stan Heiden and Myles Gerrity, end men; Fred McKenna and his 1927 Collegians will provide music for the show. Band includes
John Scofield, Harry Tomblin, Duke Pollock. Chorus: Bill Stott, Jack Bixby, Bob Stone, Al Markis, Dick Kelley, Dave Fisher,
Joe Kiely, Larry Ackley, Fred Shanahan, Bill Rabineau, Jim Tyrell, Tom Keating, Bob McCorkle, Erwin Rubenstein, Vince Massey,
Don Neuberger, Burt St. Clair, Vic Swaller, Frank Fasanella, Hugo Liscio, Jack Jarvis, Marty Tristine, Bill Pancak, Ort Pengue,
Bob Dempsey, Joe Holt, Tom Bunting and Ed Kiely. April 12, 1962 - LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB ELECT NEW
BOARD: Henry Halverson III, an engineering supervisor at Sikorsky Aircraft in the newly elected president of the Lordship
Fathers Club. Other officers elected include vice presidents Joseph Kiely and Fred Shanahan, secretaries David Burns and Frank
Fassanella and treasurer Charles Caron. November 29, 1962- The biggest social event of the season
and only fund-raising project for the Lordship Fathers Club was last week's Variety Show. In the jam packed auditorium of
Johnson Junior High School was practically all of Lordship, including the Beeman families, the Merle Evans, Charles Woessners,
Bill Finns, Carl DeLorenzos, Nicholas Glads, Victor Swallers, Verne Bates, Earl Richardsons, Nikita Offenbergs, Palmer Eplers
and just about every child from 5 and up. For the first time, wives of participating members were included in the cast.
November 29, 1962- LFC BLOOD BANK: 126 pints of blood were donated by local residents who appeared at the
mobile blood bank last Monday in the Lordship Community Church. Don Powers, chairman of the blood bank committee, extends
thanks to those who donated their time. These included Stan Heiden, Joe Kiely, Jackie Powers, Mary Shannahan, Chuck Caron,
Lyn McCorkle, Dee Ernst and Henry Halverson. Irvine Schofield became a seven gallon donor; Harold Logan became a three gallon
donor and Hezekiah Johnson donated his 73rd pint of blood, most given by a single donor in town. The LFC had 60
donors in 1960 and 129 donors in 1961. February 6, 1964 - BEGGED, BORROWED BUT MOSTLY STOLEN: Wow!
Do we have some very talented people in Lordship! And the men will agree some real beauties! All these were very well displayed
during the two performances of "Begged, Borrowed, but Mostly Stolen" presented by the Lordship Fathers Club last
Friday and Saturday evenings in Johnson Junior High School auditorium. Ordinarily the auditorium seems like a huge, vast,
spacious area, but it was filled to overflowing both evenings. The undebated star of the show was Mrs. Helen Cibulsky who
had the audience rolling in the aisles. It was hard to decide which of her songs was best, The First Lady or There Once Was
A Man which she dueted with Burt St. Clair. Another highlight of the performance was the Vagabond Sailor with John Keating
and featuring "John's Girls", Ellen Tristine, Phyllis Beattie, Cynthia Mather, Barbara Thomas, Ruth Buynovsky and
Barbara Kiely. They were as lovely as any photographer's models could be - - the girls, not John. Solos by Barbara Thomas,
Cynthia Mather, Ellen Tristine and others added to the success of the show as was the medley of folk songs by Chad and Gail
Osborne, who came from New Haven for the event. Gail is the former Gail Ohlin of Curtis Avenue. This was the first year that
the annual variety show presented by the Fathers Club was on for two performances at Johnson and from the looks of the capacity
crowds at both and from the many, many favorable remarks heard by this reporter at least two will be necessary next year.
Congratulations to the entire cast and crew of the show for a job well done. October 29, 1964 - The
Lordship Fathers Club show rehearsals are held each Friday at 8:30 at the Lordship Community Church. Boy Scout Troop 7, sponsored
by the Lordship Fathers Club will hold their charter presentation and court of honor at 7:30 pm tomorrow night at the Lordship
School. Awards of Life Scout will be presented to Bob McCorkle and Dave Rackiewiez. Other awards will go to Tim Kelleher,
Star Scout; Allen Pike, Chris Weidman, Kevin Fagan and Mark Graham, First Class; David Stearns, Bill Weidman, Richard Theriault,
Dave Cavanaugh, Francis Gibbons, Richard Jones and Craig Dolyak, Second Class. Merit badges have been earned by Mark Graham,
Tim Kelleher, Bob McCorkle, Ed Michaud, Allen Pike, Dave Rackiewiez and Rick Shananhan. Guests will include Chief Cota, Pomperaug
Council Scout Executive; Bud Philips, Oronoque District Scout Executive; Joe Clark, Camp Pomperaug Program Director and also
Howard Beeman, John Westmoreland, Larry Ackley, Dan McCoart, Roland Benjamin, Ted Theriault, Bill Duda and Jim Papp. The Scoutmaster
is Robert McCorkle with Dave Fisher, assistant. The troop committee consists of Henry Halverson, Bob Reed, Joe Kiely, Andy
Dolyak, Ivan O'Brien and Fred Shanahan. November 2, 1964 - LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB SPONSORS VISIT: The
Lordship Fathers Club under the general chairmanship of Irvine Schofield made available 118 pints of blood at the bloodmobile
visit they sponsored November 15 at the Lordship Community Church. Mrs. Marilyn McCorkle served as Officer of the Day at this
visit which the Fathers Club sponsors annually. She was assisted by 40 Red Cross volunteers who gave a total of 210 hours
throughout the day. Doctors Katherine Nolan and Andrew Owens were volunteer physicians. February 3,
1966 - LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB VARIETY SHOW A BIG HIT: Finally made it to the Lordship Fathers Club Variety show on Friday night.
These are pretty professional amateurs. The program itself, printed on slick paper, filled with ads (someone did an excellent
sales job), with a valentineish cover designed by Bud Cable was pretty big city. It was a colorful show with lively backdrops
and costumes in sprightly colors. Nothing is harder to put across than unknown songs and Will Love Find Little Mary was filled
with songs not to be found in Good Old Favorites or Popular New Tunes. But from Plant a Radish to Small Talk, all were well
rendered and a logical addition to the show. Little Mary, portrayed by Cynthia Mather as a heroine should be played had all
the little girls in the audience sighing "Oh I like her." By far the best voice in the show was that of Joe Sullivan.
Real harmony and entertaining showmanship was added to the evening by the barbershop quartet, The Soundsmen; Bill Stott, Hank
Yazdzik, Jack Macgregor and Al Costello. Five of the cast, Burt St. Clair, Dick Zwicharowski, Horst Berkner, Jim Tyrrell and
John O'Hare sand a medley of songs for the shower while they lathered up in shower stalls on stage. The giggles that act brought
were rivaled only be the four prettiest, Joe Pengue, Lou Prokop, Dave Burns and John O'Hare when they sang I Feel Pretty.
Lillian Steele kept the show moving smoothly then turned on the glamour for Hernando's Hideaway. Joyce Burns and Jack Duggan
stepped out in an excellent version of Me and My Shadow. If you have never been to one of the Fathers Club shows once
you have seen one you will not want to miss another. And if you are a bit of a ham or if you like to sing, you may want to
join up next year for the group makes it look like fun. June 6, 1966 - LORDSHIP NOTES: The Lordship
Fathers Club has announced the winners of their first Essay Contest held in May. First prizes were awarded to sixth grader
Michael Taylor who attends Great Neck School and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor of Ryegate Terrace, fifth grade winner
was Jill Guckert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Guckert of Riverdale Drive. Jill also attends Great Neck School. Fourth grade
first prize winner was Janice Phillips daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cortwright Phillips of Margherita Lawn who attends Our Lady
of Peace School. Second prizes were awarded to essayists: Jacqueline Wahly, sixth grader at Great Neck School; Luanne Sorrentino
fifth grader at Great Neck; and Susan McGrath fourth grader at Lordship School. First prize winner Michael Taylor also won
the Lordship Fathers Club's Spelling Bee contest last week and the spelling bee championship of 1965 was won by his sister
Gail Taylor. The wreath placed at Memorial Green in Lordship Center on Memorial Day was placed there by two past Captains
of the Lordship Volunteer Fire Company No. 3, Fred Donaldson and Fred Biebel, Sr. Mrs. Arthur Gustafson of the Lordship Gardeners
planted the geraniums and place the flags at the memorial site. July 28, 1966 - LORDSHIP SINGERS:
The Sweet n Syrupy Singers of Lordship were one of the groups entertaining last Sunday on the Huntington Green at that Town's
concert Music on the Green. The Lordship group headed by Stan Heiden, sings folk, Broadway, college and novelty songs and
has been in existence for two years, formed from the Lordship Fathers Club variety show. Members are Barbara Zelich, Janice
Weidman, Hedy Shokite, Phyllis Beattie, Tom Marranzino, John Straton, Dick Shokite, Carl Zelich, Burt St. Clair and Stan Heiden.
Tom Marranzino and Barbara Zelich provide guitar and piano accompaniment. The group is looking for a woman guitar or banjo
player who also sings and would be interested in joining them. According to Stan Heiden, the average age of the group is 38
and it is a guess as the women will not give their honest ages. Anyone interested in joining the group should contact Mr.
Heiden. All Lordship should tune in to WICC on Monday evening August 1 when the Sweet n Syrupy Singers may be heard on WICC's
Members and money are the two main thoughts expressed in a letter to be sent in the near future to all residents residing
in the Lordship area. The letter composed by members of the Lordship Fathers Club answers concisely the questions of why you
should join and support such an organization. Pride in your community, children and schools is the answer. The Fathers Club
is particularly proud of its long record of accomplishment such as their annual Easter Egg hunt sponsored for the last 19
years; the over $7,000 donated to schools in the form of cash, raincoats, projectors, tape recorders and various teaching
aides chosen by school principals; sponsors of Boy Scout Troop 77, annual Halloween parties and many more. The Fathers Club
also plans to sponsor this year 14 events of particular interest to Lordship children and adults. The Lordship Fathers Club
needs new members to suggest and support new ideas. The Club also needs money to keep present programs alive and interesting.
October 12, 1967 - ANNUAL LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB PICNIC: Autumn weather in Lordship not only brings
Indian Summer with warm days and cold nights, but also ushers in a busy season for many clubs and organizations. The Lordship
Fathers Club started out the month of October with a family picnic held at Booth Memorial Park. Past presidents of the Fathers
Club, their wives and families who enjoyed the all day refreshments were: Stan and Fran Heiden of Second Avenue; Hank and
Gen Halverson of Walnut Street; Ed and Barbara Keily of Margherita Lawn; Burt and Eckie St. Clair of Curtis Avenue and Larry
and Lenore Ackley of Lighthouse Avenue. Relay races and three legged races for the boys and girls were part of the entertainment
with prizes given for first and second place. The highlight of the day was the egg throwing contest for both parents and children.
The lucky winners of this event were Victor Swaller and his son Brien of Hartland Street. After all this excitement everybody
felt a good rest was in order. Most of the mothers and daughters played bingo while the fathers with their sons watched the
Red Sox secure their grip on the American League championship on a portable television. Other families having a good time
were this year's president Fred Shanahan and his wife Mary of Victoria Lawn; Chuck and Jan Caron of Stratford Road; John and
Birdie Keating of Fourth Avenue; John and Kay O'Hare of Margherita Lawn; Andy and Pauline Dolyak of Oak Bluff Avenue; Walt
and June Cullen of First Avenue; Vic and Arlene Swaller of Hartland Street; Dick and Heddy Shokite of Ash Street; Don and
Wilma Flaherty of Fourth Avenue; Walter and Thelma Robinson of Walnut Street and many other old and new members of the Lordship
Fathers Club. March 28, 1968 - LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB CELEBRATE 20TH ANNIVERSARY: The Lordship
Fathers Club celebrated their 20th anniversary recently at the Raven Inn with a dinner dance honoring their past
presidents. Edward Kiely of Margherita Lawn reports the entire evening was one of delight. He said the festivities started
with a cocktail hour on the lower terrace followed by dinner in the main dining room. The dinner put everybody in just the
right mood for dancing to the marvelous music of the Varia-Tones he said. The highlight of the evening was a salute to the
past presidents which included a reminiscence by Marty Tristine of First Avenue, about the first event sponsored by the club
which was called The Famous Pancake Fiasco. The presidents attending were Marty Tristine, first president of the club, Bill
Rabineau of Maple Street, Stan Heiden of Second Avenue, Jack Jarvis of Margherita Lawn, Burt St. Clair of Curtis Avenue, Tom
Bunting of Spruce Street, Henry Halverson of Walnut Street, Ed Kiely, Larry Ackley of Lighthouse Avenue and this year's president
Fred Shanahan of Victoria Lawn. Mr. Kiely said recognition was given to those presidents unable to attend, namely: Harry Lyons
of Victoria Lawn, Carl Valentine of Fourth Avenue, Jim Ketcham of Lordship Road, Myles Gerrity of Spruce Street and Warren
Ernst who is now living in Denver Colorado. The excitement of the evening was so great the party continued into the early
morning hours at the homes of Henry Halverson, Bill McDonald and Gus Luisi. October 15, 1970 - BLOODMOBILE
IN LORDSHIP: The Lordship Fathers Club will sponsor their 11th annual bloodmobile visit on Monday October 19 between
the hours of 12:00 noon and 6:00 pm according to an announcement by Irvine Schofield who is in charge of the visit. Mr. Schofield
stated that this visit will be held at Our Lady of Peace Church Hall this year. He has organized a telephone committee which
is calling previous blood donors of Lordship Fathers Club visits and other individuals as well as small industries and businesses
in town. Mr. Schofield reports that as usual U.S. Baird Company has been the first to respond to the appeal with a pledge
of 25 donors. Mr. Schofield is one of the largest blood donors in Stratford. He will be giving his 98th pint at
the visit in Lordship. He was chairman of the Fathers Club visits in 1964 and 1965, both of which times the club exceeded
its quota. In behalf of the Lordship Fathers Club, Mr. Schofield is issuing an appeal to anyone between the ages of 18 and
65 and in good health to give a pint of blood on Monday October 19 at Our Lady of Peace Church Hall in Lordship. Note: a total
of 128 pints of blood were collected at the LFC bloodbank. November 18, 1971 - LORDSHIP BLOODMOBILE
VISIT NETS 124 PINTS: A total of 124 pints of blood were collected at the bloodmobile visit sponsored by the Lordship Fathers
Club on Friday, November 12 according to an announcement by Irvine Schofield who was in charge of the visit. He said that
his telephone committee recruited 174 people to give blood. Forty five donors did not appear, five were temporarily deferred
due to colds and other minor illness resulting in 124 pints donated. U.S. Baird Company sent 23; Dresser Industries sent 13
and Diamond Shamrock Company a total of ten blood donors. Other donors came from various small industries, businesses and
schools as well as housewives and students along with the members of the Lordship Fathers Club. Stan Heiden received his 5
gallon pin as did Don Wolter. Three gallon pins were awarded to Joe Minaudo and Russ Venables. Al Schwartz received his 2
gallon pin. Those receiving their one gallon pins were Ernie Anderson, Ken Hayes, Marjorie Costello and Harry Hill. Frank
DeLuca, Blood Program Chairman of the Stratford Red Cross stated that this is the fourth successful bloodmobile visit which
Mr. Schofield has headed for the Lordship Fathers Club and it is the 11th annual visit sponsored by the club. Joseph
Molloy served as Officer of the Day. Preliminary arrangements for staffing the visit were under the direction of Eleanor Greenwood,
Chairman of Volunteers for the Stratford Chapter. These five people were first time blood donors at the bloodmobile visit:
Jerry Mack, Joyce Sammis, Sally Martin, James DeLorenzo and Patricia Tristine. December 7, 1972 -
LORDSHIP BLOODMOBILE VISIT NETS 71 PINTS IN OUR LADY OF PEACE DRIVE: A successful bloodmobile visit was held at Our Lady of
Peace Hall in Lordship on Saturday, December 2 according to an announcement by Frank DeLuca, Blood Program Chairman of the
Stratford Red Cross. This visit which was sponsored by the Lordship Fathers Club was the first visit to be held on a Saturday.
It produced 71 pints of blood. Irvine Schofield chairman of the visit said that the telephone committee under the direction
of Mrs. Irvine Schofield had recruited 111 people to donate blood; 37 did not appear and there were 3 donors temporarily deferred
due to colds and other minor illness making a total of 71 pints donated. Members of the Explorer Post No. 77 under the
leadership of Frances Malafronte and William Wonneberger assisted the Red Cross volunteers in staffing this visit throughout
the day. Andrew Dolyak, President of the Lordship Fathers Club stated that this is the fifth successful bloodmobile visit
which Mr. Schofield has organized for the Lordship Fathers Club and it is the 12th annual visit sponsored by the
club. Colonel Arthur Cox, Chapter Chairman of the Stratford Red Cross, wishes to extend the thanks of the Chapter to those
good people who gave up part of their weekend on Saturday to come in and donate a pint of blood and to the many volunteers
who gave many hours on Saturday to make this the successful bloodmobile visit that it was. December
13, 1973 - LORDSHIP BLOODMOBILE VISIT NETS 120 PINTS IN OUR LADY OF PEACE DRIVE: A successful bloodmobile visit was held at
Our Lady of Peace Hall in Lordship on Saturday, December 1 according to an announcement by Frank DeLuca, Blood Program Chairman
of the Stratford Red Cross. This visit which was sponsored by the Lordship Fathers Club was the second visit to be held on
a Saturday. It produced 120 pints of blood. Irvine Schofield chairman of the visit said that the telephone committee under
the direction of Mrs. Irvine Schofield had recruited 116 people to donate blood; 52 did not appear; there were 19 walk in
donors and there 7 donors temporarily deferred due to colds and other minor illness making a total of 120 pints donated. Donors
who have for the time were: Ken Palazzo, Barbara Osedach, Doreothea Hovan, Tom McDonough, Judith Prince, Irene Palazzo, Cathryn
Rohlfs, Kurt Wilhelm and Frank Fritzky Jr. Members of the Explorer Post No. 77 under the leadership of Frances Malafronte
and William Wonneberger assisted the Red Cross volunteers in staffing this visit throughout the day. Ken Palazzo, President
of the Lordship Fathers Club stated that this is the sixth successful bloodmobile visit which Mr. Schofield has organized
for the Lordship Fathers Club and it is the 13th annual visit sponsored by the club. Ella Bradbury served as Officer
of the Day, Frances DeCarlo was in charge of the Red Cross Canteen which served sandwiches and coffee to the blood donors.
Josephine Toochi recruited the volunteer Registered Nurses, Ella Bradbury the typists and Helen Brown the file clerks. Mildred
Botsford recruited the volunteers who provided Red Cross motor service throughout the day. Dorothy Cox staffed the registration
desk and Elinor Taplin staffed the visit with Gray Ladies. Doris McKee was in charge of recruiting blood donor aides and nurses'
aides for the visit. Sue Dunford recruited the volunteers who worked in the Canteen and at the juice table. Colonel Arthur
Cox, Chapter Chairman of the Stratford Red Cross, wishes to extend the thanks of the Chapter to those good people who gave
up part of their weekend on Saturday to come in and donate a pint of blood and to the many volunteers who gave many hours
on Saturday to make this the successful bloodmobile visit that it was. March 28, 1974 - LORDSHIP FATHERS
CLUB SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS: The Lordship Fathers Club will present their 26th annual musical variety show entitled
"Songs for all Seasons" on Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:15 at Johnson Jr. High School. The production under
the direction of George Wood for the second straight year and assisted by Bill Gatzmer will spotlight popular Broadway and
Hollywood hits as well as numerous dance numbers. Bill Gatzmer, John Rome, Fred Trumbull, Ed McNichol, Luce Eldracher, Aisha
Abramowitz, Burt St. Clair, Dick Zwicharowski, Clem Naples, Karen Capoziello, Helen Asanoff, Loraine Zwicharowski, Cindy Mustaka,
Irene Palazzo will sing songs in the show while John Keating and Florentine Heel, Aisha Abramowitz and Bill Gatzmer, Clem
and Joan Naples, Loraine and Dick Zwicharowski will sing duets. Don Fagan is general chairman in charge of arrangements with
Dick Zwicharowski handling ticket sales. Stage, scenery and lighting is under the direction of Andy Dolyak while Jan Fagan
and Thelma Robinson are making costumes. The musical accompanianists are under the direction of Barbara Zelich at the piano
with John Stevens on drums, Peter Kopchik on the saxophone and Peter Gurrieri on the guitar. There will also be banjo selections
by Jon Meyers. Vinny and Anna Buehler are working on the program book while Rudy Listorti is chairman of the booster and membership
drive. The cast of 50 strong includes several members of the Fathers Club and their wives. December
12, 1974 - LORDSHIP BLOODMOBILE VISIT NETS 94 PINTS IN OUR LADY OF PEACE DRIVE: : A successful bloodmobile visit was held
at Our Lady of Peace Hall in Lordship on Friday, December 6 according to an announcement by Frank DeLuca, Blood Program Chairman
of the Stratford Red Cross. This visit which was the fifteenth annual visit sponsored by the Lordship Fathers Club. It produced
94 pints of blood, 19 over their quota. Irvine Schofield chairman of the visit said that Mrs. Schofield had recruited 134
people to donate blood; 32 did not appear; there were 2 walk in donors and there 10 donors temporarily deferred due to colds
and other minor illness making a total of 94 pints donated. There were six first time donors: Judith McGar, Mary Clune, Jackie
Bruno, Kim Dolyak, Janet Graham and Dennis Misiura. Pins were awarded as follows: six gallon to Stan Heiden; five gallon to
Edward Pochy; four gallon to Bill Vars Jr. and one gallon to Charles Hine. Members of the Explorer Post No. 77 under the leadership
of William Wonneberger assisted the Red Cross volunteers in staffing this visit after school from 2:30 until 7:00 pm. Don
Fagan, President of the Lordship Fathers Club stated that this is the seventh successful bloodmobile visit which Mr. Schofield
has organized for the Lordship Fathers Club and it is the 14th annual visit sponsored by the club. Ella Bradbury
served as Officer of the Day, Frances DeCarlo was in charge of the Red Cross Canteen which served sandwiches and coffee to
the blood donors. Josephine Toochi recruited the volunteer Registered Nurses, Ella Bradbury the typists and Helen Brown the
file clerks. Mildred Botsford recruited the volunteers who provided Red Cross motor service throughout the day. Dorothy Cox
staffed the registration desk and Catherine Lundgren staffed the visit with Gray Ladies. Doris McKee was in charge of recruiting
blood donor aides and nurses' aides for the visit. Sue Dunford recruited the volunteers who worked in the Canteen and at the
juice table. February 20, 1975 - LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB PLANNING VARIETY SHOW: The Lordship Fathers
Club is planning now for its 1975 Variety Show. Thirty-four members met this past week to discuss the 1975 show which will
be April 4 and 5 at Johnson Junior High. The Booster & Membership drive for 1975 will start this week thru March 2nd.
Chairman Tom Murphy reported that he was a committee of 22 members to pass out and collect the envelope for this project.
Anyone not home can return the envelope to Tom Murphy 236 Lordship Road. All monies collected will help the Fathers Club to
continue their efforts to further projects for the children in the community. This is the 27th year of continued
support to these programs. Anyone who is interested and would like to join in this effort may contact Vincent Buehler, General
Show Chairman at 456 Prospect Drive. The ad campaign which will support the Program Booster Journal is now in progress and
going well according to the LFC. Anyone interested in placing a new ad in the 1975 Program may contact Pete Meyers at 16 West
Hillside Avenue or Vincent Griffen at 115 Washington Parkway. Renewal of past ads will be handled by Annamarie Buehler &
Julie Reinoehl. Director Stan Heiden, Advance sale tickets Chairman Dave Fischer, Music Director Karen Kiely, Choreography
Jean Cody, Scenery Chairman Carl Zielick, Stage Chairman Jim Howe, Lighting Mark Bercian and Billy McGuire, audio Mitch Abramowitz,
Program Books Don Fagan, Posters Arlene Thompson, after show party Chairman Gunar Wik and Publicity Vinnie Buehler. The show
this year will involve 65 cast members and more than 40 crew members. May 29, 1975 - LORDSHIP FATHERS
TO RETURN TICKETS: All raffle ticket captains for the Lordship Fathers Club will meet Friday May 30th from 7:30
to 9:30 at Lordship Community Church. Joe Fry, Howie Beeman and Jim Coppola, co-chairmen will contact the members on ticket
returns. Saturday, May 31st is Harriet Auger Day. A rally will take place June 7th from 1 to 5 with
the drawing at 5 pm. A Night at the Races will also take place June 7th starting at 8 pm at Our Lady of Peace Hall.
Jim Wiltsie is chairman of the event. For tickets contact him, Don Fagan or Vinnie Buehler. The Olympics for kindergarten
through sixth grade will be held on Saturday June 14th. Participants must be town residents and must register for
the event. The club's annual picnic will be on June 22nd at Booth Park. Ken Cibulsky and Bryant Shannon co-chairmen
may be contacted for tickets. October 21, 1976 - LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB OLYMPICS ATTRACTS 246 BOYS
AND GIRLS IN LORDSHIP: The Lordship Fathers Club held its annual Junior Olympics track and field meet on Saturday, October
15th at Lordship School field. Two hundred forty-six boys and girls from kindergarten to seventh grade competed. Co-chairmen
coordinating the efforts of the 87 parents who made the event possible were Vincent Buehler and James Howe. Also helping out
were: Harry Noyes, Walt Thompson and Glen Barber, registrations; Harry Noyes, publicity; and John Novak, Nancy Howe and Anna
Buehler, chief scorers. Presenting the awards were Town Manager Bern Ewert and Lordship and Great Neck principal James Cashavelly.
All around group winners included: Kindergarten: girls 1) Tracy Ropa, 2) Krei Albaugh, 3) Kristen Dykeman; boys 1) Vincent
Griffen, 2) Jim Lenahan, 3) Neal Satram. First Grade: girls, 1) Patricia Rich, 2) Lynn Butkovsky, 3) Karen Luchun; boys, 1)
John Buehler, 2) Fred Whelan, 3) Jay Vanderclock. Second Grade: girls, 1) Sue Donohue, 2) Kim Kuchta, 3) Judy Dobos; boys,
1) Chad Watt, 2) Chris Autuori, 3) Mike Pinto. Third Grade: girls, 1) Kristine Ropa, 2) Jacqueline Barber, 3) Kim Meyer; boys,
1) Steven Brighindi, 2) Curt Dubois, 3) Spencer Adams. Fourth Grade: girls, 1) Jacqueline Autuori, 2) Amy Howe, 3) Gigi Gainey;
boys 1) Chuck Parsons, 2) Kelly Parker, 3) Greg Norris. Fifth Grade: girls, 1) Barbara Kiely, 2) Elizabeth Abed, 3) Jennifer
Wise; boys, 1) Walter Knablien, 2) Mike Hawkins, 3) Andy Merritt. Sixth Grade: girls, 1) Stacy Connolly, 2) Lisa Rome, 3)
Karen Luk; boys, 1) Wayne Barschow, 2) Bill Rabineau, 3) Mike Albert. Seventh Grade: girls, 1) Beverly Boyd, 2) Kim Watt,
3) Maria Eldracher; boys, 1) Tom Merritt, 2) John Kiely, 3) Glen Keane. February 10, 1977 - LORDSHIP
FATHERS CLUB COORDINATING BLOODMOBILE: Give Blood - The Supply Is Critical In Connecticut; is the appeal being made by members
of the Lordship Fathers Club as they recruit donors for the bloodmobile visit which they are sponsoring under the direction
of Don Uphold and Don Powers. The bloodmobile visit will be held at Our Lady of Peace Church in Lordship on Friday, February
18th between 1 and 6 pm according to Frank DeLuca, Blood Program Chairman for the Stratford Red Cross. Uphold said
that this is the 16th annual visit sponsored by the club and invites anyone between the ages of 17 and 66 in good
health to give a pint of blood on February 18th. Seventeen year olds must have the signature of a parent or guardian
on a permission form available at the Stratford Red Cross. Mr. Uphold added that his committee will call not only regular
blood donors from among the townspeople but also small industries and businesses throughout Stratford. Bunnell High School
under the direction of Miss Deana Tkacs, president of the Student Council and Miss Alice Dinihanian, president of the senior
class and Stratford High School under the direction of Miss Holly Smith, president of the Student Council and Joseph Coppola
president of the senior class, are both actively recruiting donors from among the 17 and 18 year old students. Blood donors
are being recruited also from among members of the Amateur Radio Emergency Corps under the direction of William Kosturko.
Officers of the Day are Mildred Botsford, Ella Bradbury and Dorothy Cox. Preliminary arrangements for the visit are being
handled by Janet Bergmark, Chairman of Volunteers. April 26, 1978 - SHOW SET BY LORDSHIP FATHERS CLUB:
We Gotta Get Goin, the Lordship Fathers Club annual variety show will be presented Friday May 5th and Saturday May 6th
in Johnson Junior High at 8:15 pm. This year's variety show will mark the 30th year of Fathers Club productions
to raise money for its many activities for the children of the community. This year's show directed by Jean Cody, focuses
on the theme of travel. The audience will be taken to a tropical Fantasy Island and to Spain, France, Russia and the Middle
East by way of musical numbers, skits and blackouts. The cast consisting of over 60 club members and additional performers
from outside of Lordship has been rehearsing since January for the production. Tickets are now on sale for $2.50 for children
and $3.00 for adults for Friday evening. All tickets for Saturday will be $3.00. Tickets may be purchased from any member
of the cast or from ticket chairman Jean Baxter. There will also be tickets sold at the door on both nights.